Projects done with passion and rigour.
We are an ecosystem of over sixty experts dedicated to creating the best possible learning experiences.
By your side, consultants, instructional designers, artistic directors, graphic designers, motion designers, video artists, multimedia producers, graphic facilitators, business experts, speakers, actors… work hand in hand to ensure the success of your projects.

For over 15 years, some of us have been working with major corporations and their corporate universities has innovated, tested and improved learning experiences. In total, we have worked with over 80% of the CAC40.
In the last 12 months, we have worked with :

We think our values are the key to a performing and sustainable team.

A flexible work organisation
A flexible work organisation :
• 3 to 5 days week
• Team rituals we collectively animate
• ...and always on time for our clients !

Happy team, happy clients !
Happy team, happy clients !
• We don't take ourselves too seriously
• In general, we are happy to go to work in the morning !

Equality and transparency
Equality and transparency :
• Equality and transparency in our wages
• Our objective is to share a part of benefit between our employees
• Opening of Capital ( 6 associates at the end of 2021)

Envrionmmental awareness
Envrionmmental awareness
• Ecovadis platinum medal
• The digital world pollutes > ecological contributions
• Purchase of trees with our clients !
We lead significative efforts to reduce our own environmental impact. When we can’t manage to do it, we try to find an ecological contribution up to the challenge !
Partner to Ecotree, in each of our proposals, and in the case of a commitment from our clients of 1,5%, Newton agence undertakes to purchase trees up to 3% of the amount of the proposal.
Since Newton Agence was founded in 2020, we have chosen to focus most of our actions on Corporate Social Responsibility.
We have designed and drafted our values to be the keys to our performance and sustainability: flexibility, equality and transparency, environmental awareness, etc.
As of 2021, we have assessed our actions with Ecovadis (Platform for assessing CSR performance and responsible purchasing).
We have been awarded :
- In 2021: the Platinum Medal (which distinguishes the top 1% of companies assessed for their policies on the environment, human and labour rights, ethics and responsible purchasing).
- In 2022: the Platinum Medal for the second year running!
- In 2023: the Gold Medal (awarded to the top 5% of companies assessed).