Learning > Modalities > Videos
Which solution to choose for your training and communication plan ? Not easy to find ?
Visit our Videos glossary to find out more.
Graphic Design, animation, production, sound…All of our videos are tailor-made and designed according to your needs.
Motion design
Motion design
Motion design is a video which gives a message to learners with in motion visuals (typograpy, illustrations etc.)
A teaser is an animated video which allows to promote a solution, a tool or an event. Making innovative solutions doesn’t mean not to communicate about them.
Expert Video
Expert Video
We offer to shoot a video of your experts so they can share their expertise and personify your company’s vision.
The video interview is very popular online. It’s an efficient and paced solution to answer the learner’s questions.
Web series
Web series
A web serie is a sequence of scripted training videos. This format helps creating a strong link with learners who are looking forward to the next episode.
A tutorial is a video that guides learners through the practice of a given activity with a step-by-step demonstration.
Interactive video
Vidéo interactive
An interactive video is a video in which the learner can pause to access additional content or complete interactive learning activities.
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